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Baby Boy Name Starts with Letter F

Boy Names Starts with the alphabet F is here...

Boy NameMeaning
FaadhilVariant of Fadhil: Meritorious. Abundant.
FaadilOutstanding; Generous; Honourable; Superior
FaaiqVariant of Fa'iq: Surpassing. Excellent.
FaaizVictorious, Gain, Abundance, Affluence, Liberality, Favour, Triumphant
FaakhirProud; excellent; Variant of Fakhir: Excellent. Proud.
FaalgunA Month in the Hindu Calendar; Born in Falgun; A Hindu Month
FaalihSuccessful; Fortunate; Lucky
FaareesVariant of Faris: Horseman. Knight.
FaarehVariant of Fareh: Glad. Happy.
FaarisHorseman; knight; Variant of Faris: Horseman. Knight.
FaarooqOne who distinguishes truth from falsehood; Variant of Faruq: Distinguisher. Differentiator.
FaasFirm counsel.
FaateerVariant of Fatir: Maker. Creator.
FaatehConqueror, Victorious, Triumph
FaatihAnother name for prophet muhammad
FaatirVariant of Fatir: Maker. Creator.
FaazVictorious, Successful
FabaVariant of Fabian: Bean farmer. Famous Bearer: 50s singer Fabian
FabekVariant of Fabian: Bean farmer. Famous Bearer: 50s singer Fabian
FaberDerived from the Roman clan name Fabius: a name given several Roman emperors and 16 saints.
FabertVariant of Fabian: Bean farmer.
FabiRussian form of Fabian 'bean farmer'.
FabianDerived from the Roman clan name Fabius: a name given several Roman emperors and 16 saints.
FabianoBean farmer
FabienDerived from the Roman clan name Fabius
FabioBean grower
FabionDerived from the Roman clan name Fabius: a name given several Roman emperors and 16 saints.
FabiusVariant of Fabian: Bean farmer.
FabiyanVariant of Fabian: Bean farmer.
FabiynBean farmer.
FabreVariant of Fabron: Blacksmith.
FabriceWorks with his hands.
FabriziusVariant of Fabrice: Works with his hands.


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